Greg Murat (mur-rah)
  Singer-Songwriter  Guitarist

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Fish Eye   Butterfly  Lopez   

Below are links to photos of family, friends, trips and music events.

New Albums will be added
at the top of the list

Snow December 2008 2nd batch

Snow December 2008

Lucky Strike

Kayden in Oak Harbor

Larry and Cindy's Summer Fest



Sariah's Hat


Anjali 2

Arizona Flight




Chani Alaska

Clearwater Beach

Family Flight Photos

Fickel Tree

Freedom at Jet Deck

Hang Gliding

Hang Gliding 2

Kayden 1
Kayden 2

Kayden 3


Liz's First Scuba Dive

Liz's Second Open Water Day

Los Cabos Mexico

Los Cabos Sunrise


Mixed Photos

Mt. Rainier

Mosquito Bite Band



The Beach

Hanger Party



Kayden's first snow



Pumpkin Day

Summer Trip Photos 2006


Snow Pictures March 1, 2007

Ojai Pictures


Summer Trip Photos   

Oak Creek Concert    

Canyon Hike   

Kayden Photo's

Kayden 9 months old

Kayden on laptop

Kayden in the yard

Sariah new photos

Kayden at the beach 2

The day of Kayden's birthday

Kayden Mukilteo Beach

Saria's 1st pictures

Saria 12-05

Birthday by Dale 2006

Family Photos 2006

Some Party Pictures Rob's 2006

A few Dale Shots Birthday 2006

Provs- Photos Friday Night 11-05

Provs-Photos Saturday Night 11-05

Photos From Provinces Parties

Friday Night 11-05    
Saturday Night 11-05

Province's October 2005

Provinces-February 18 2005

Province Show March 19th 2005

Culler Corner Comics


Movie Clips

Run for your life

Snow 1

Snow 2

Snow 3

Snow 4

Snow 5

Kayden Rolly Polly

Kayden Running Quicktime movie

Kayden dances Quicktime movie

Trash Can Man Quicktime 

Guitar Man QT Movie      

Snow Bunny QT Movie

Snow in February QT Movie

Sariah steps out

Josh Wellington altered tuning

Josh Wellington YouTube


Greg  Andie   Schedule     History   CDs   Photos   Lyrics   Poetry   Flash Poem  Journal  Home 

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person
Deviation from this formula may require attorneys and therapy.

 All contents ©2003-2022 and to infinity and beyond Andie Murat and Greg Murat All Rights Reserved
Greg Murat (mur-rah)  

Copyright Greg Murat 2003-2016