Greg Murat (mur-rah)
Singer-Songwriter GuitaristHome Shows Bio Music Lyrics Poetry Video Audio
Journal September 2004
September 30,2004
- Where does the time go? Children grow up, people grow old, and time tromps ever onward. Tonight are the presidential debates. I think a lot of people will be watching that 90 minutes. It is all so much show in many ways, but it is a chance to watch the candidates stand up under pressure.
- I just heard the sound of a door opening on my computer and I am on line. That isn't a very comfortable feeling.
- With all the turmoil in the world and the daily deaths of so many people in Iraq, we would all like to hear how we are going get out of there. Is there an easy answer to that question? We could speculate forever on the reasons we should or should not be there, but the only sensible question is how do we get out? Are we helping or just postponing the inevitable like we did in Viet Nam. Our soldiers are surrounded by hostile forces that simply blended into the crowds when troops arrived and now continue to attack dozens of times a day. My heart goes out to the people and the soldiers who face that incredible pressure in that ancient of lands where they say the Garden of Eden was. Iraq is where numerous stories from the Bible took place and where now history is again violently in the making. I pray for peace and harmony every single day.
September 29,2004
- While I was out mowing the lawn yesterday a call came in for Josh from Rob & Freedom, no hello, no how are you, just "This is Rob and Freedom calling for Johnny to take him to Bellingham." The up and down of the whole thing is this, Is Josh going to get to play with the band or not. It has been a pain. I have watched Josh wonder what is going to happen and the effect it has on him. Hey man, give him an audition, if he cuts it, hire him, if not quit dangling the possibility in his face. Man, I thought "regular" people had a lot of drama in their lives. There is just as much, if not more, drama in the "counter culture" . I had a grand illusion that there was more enlightenment within the community of freedom seekers but I no longer believe that to be true. There is a cost to freedom, Utilities, phone bills, rent, food, gas, equipment, recording costs and on and on. While some are busy being free others are working to foot the bill. It makes me sad in some ways that there is not more awareness and ownership in that regard. Josh said, I am not going to do it. I know he will if he is asked. I hope he has a plan on where to live and what to do afterwards and I hope if he decides to go it is a time of growth for him. I hope he is making those plans whether he goes or stays. He is so gifted at music and I think his path needs to be his own and not his brother's but that is for him to decide. I felt bad that Rob called and Aaron didn't even say hi but such is life. Andie and I are looking forward to having more of one. That if my gripe session for the day. These are small potatoes compared to the men, women and children in Iraq and places like that. I hope and pray for peace but my heart tells me that is not where we are headed. Peace begins in our own hearts and that is a start.
- September 28,2004
- The last remnants of this viral adventure are still clinging to my sinuses and lungs. I haven't quite got my energy back yet, although I mowed the lawn when I got home last night. We went for another drive and caught a bit of the sunset from angles and vantage points we had not seen before that evening. They are building so many homes out in our area. There are whole developments of box houses that are big, but look like if you pushed on the side of them, they would fall over. There were some lots that looked out over the valley and had beautiful views. I must say that four hurricanes in six weeks has us questioning our plans to move to Florida. What are you going to do?
Now I hear on the news Mt. St. Helen's is gurgling again. Hundreds of earthquakes in the last few days have us wondering is she going to blow up again? There is a lot of fidgeting going on in the earth in these times. Of so many different choices of places to live, this place has a lot to offer. Still, the winter is not our favorite and for that reason we are still considering other options. In October, before it gets much colder we are going to take a shot at hang gliding. Mike Daily is arranging some tandem flights for us. I say us, I may mean Andie and Liz. I am not sure how I feel about hanging from a kite hundreds of feet in the air. We will see.
I haven't said much, although it has been on my mind every day, dad is getting married in a few days to his love, Judith. We would really like to be there but I have used up all my vacation time and traveling budget. I wish we had known sooner. I have hardly heard from my dad in the last few months so I assume since he is in love and happy, that is why. Andie and I both wish them all the best. You never know when love is going to call. I know that dad didn't seem to think it would happen and then there love was. So it just goes to show that when it comes to life, it's not over until we are done. All the best dad and Judith.
- September 27,2004
- Last night Andie and I went for a drive to take some autumn pictures. After doing everything for everyone else yesterday it was so late in the day that we didn't get much done in the way of pictures. I wanted to show Andie Troublesome Creek. I used to go there alone quite often in the 70's and listen to the water, walk among the cedars and deal with my angst. We drove out through Monroe, Startup, Goldbar and Sultan and made it to the entrance of Wallace Falls. It was too late in the day for a hike so we may do it again soon and just start early.
- September 25,2004
- Another year has rolled by and it seems like yesterday that Liz could fit in the kitchen sink and use it for a tub. Now she is lovely young woman and has a job. It is an eye opener when your "little ones" start driving a car. It could lead to gray hair in a hurry. In my case breathing leads to gray hair. She is growing up good and we are proud of the person she is. Andie goes a coo coo trying to figure out what to do for her on her special day and we are still wondering. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Being the seeker of intense situations that I am, I had better head out and do some shopping. If we pay attention to the moments with our loved ones we will have a lot less regrets at the end of the line. That is what I intend to do on this day of Liz's birth. Pay attention.
September 24,2004- We had a house full last night. Chani, Johnny and Liz. Rob and Kestrel stopped by and I got some herbs and silver water given to me by Kestrel and I am drinking an immune system strengthening tea as I write. I am feeling a bit better. Yesterday met me with a migraine headache. Now that is not a party. It has eased off in the evening after I went to the doctor and spent the regular hour and a half after my appointment to get into to see the doctor for five minutes. They gave me a shot for pain. The clinic used to be Snohomish Clinic and they used to provide health care. Then it became Medallion and now Providence Physician's Group. It should be called Collection, holding and shipping with a slogan like, we provide minimal care with a maximum wait time. Such is health care these days. Natural is better.
- Rob said Johnny is doing fantastic on guitar and that it makes him want to practice his guitar more. I sure hope this opportunity takes place for Josh. He has the talent. Hopefully he will look at the list we gave him and act on it so he can make a little change for the tour. We could use the help and I hope it happens so we can help in return. How we choose to spend our time has probably the most impact on our lives. There is only a few days left before the tour begins.
Chani is excited about going to Alaska and studying her love for tattoos there. She paid a lot of dues where she was working but the owner wasn't forthright in making her an apprentice so she is moving on. She is not afraid of change and she is certainly not afraid to be herself. I am glad for her contentment that way and I am proud of her sobriety.- Andie and I wish we had more time together. The day to day grind takes too much time. But I feel her presence even in my sleep and in her absence. That lovely smile makes it all worthwhile at the end of the day.
- September 23,2004
- Motion eludes me this autumn morning. I am hacking fit to beat the band. No booming bass or thumping kick drum could contend with these percussive explosions spouting forth from my mouth. It is easy to have the elevator to myself, and the hallways and just about anywhere else. I look around the house and say, hey where did everybody go? Two hands formed into the shape of a cross often greet me as people back away as if I were Dracula. Someone passed this mess to me and, in my determination to stay in motion, I am sure I have returned the favor many times over. But not today, I surrender to the phone call to the doctor's office. Then again, this virus will most likely have moved on to new territories before I can get an appointment. Stay healthy!
- These times of creative writing are so good for my soul. The flash poetry has been a spiritual vitamin and I have gotten some very heart warming responses. Now, even better, I see the creative potion spreading to pens and papers elsewhere. So I hope you don't mind, Sharon, if I share your flash to me, because on this wet autumn day where the air has nothing on my nose, it was nice to revisit Los Cabos. This is our friend Sharon's view of the beginning of what will be a lifelong friendship with her and Clay and the rest of the gang, in the same way it has for Terri and Randy and Jim and Penni and Andie and me.
Ode to Los Cabos
(or maybe The Autumnal Equinox Epiphany!)
Don't be doin' that dead man's float in the pool
It's the first day of vacation-that's against all the rules!
Not a chance you'll be gettin' any CPR
'Cuz everyone's over at the swim-up bar!
Bloody Mary's for breakfast
Kahlua Coladas for morning snack
Margaritas will be lunch...
There's no turning back!
The hot sun is beating down, not a cloud in the sky
Next you'll be forgettin' to "reapply"!
Can you say sunburn?
Can you spell fry?
Making friends with complete strangers
What were you thinkin'?
And they seemed so normal...
'Course we'd all been drinkin'!
The pool is our playground
A turquoise "room with a view"
There is singin' and dancin' and high fives
All slightly askew!
Jose Cuervo and Don Julio came by
So did a DEA agent...or was that a lie?
From California to Washington, Florida to the Midwest
We came to party in Cabo- one of the things we do best!
The room seems to be lost-how can that be?
Those tiny little numbers are so hard to see.
There are too many stairs, a whole handful of keys
Who's got the guitar? Whose flip flops are these?
Tomorrow there will be a slow ascent back to reality
Time for the blood in our alcohol stream to equalize
We'll eat carbs, drink coffee, move slowly
And take a nap wearing sunglasses over our bloodshot eyes!
A moment in time- one single, sunny afternoon
When paths crossed, hearts joined and we all sang in tune.
- That is our story and we are sticking to it.
- September 22,2004
- Barking cough is blasting my ears this morning. Ouch! I am glad lungs seem to be securely attached. I will have to pass on the recording session with Bill tonight and rest some more. I heard from Terri and she sent a good story about the preciousness of time shared. Our greatest gift in life is time and it is so difficult not to take it for granted like a natural resource that we think will never run out. Demands for time come from so many directions and yet the most important ones are too often the most soft spoken and easily ignored. Making memories can save your life. It is important to be making new memories to go with the old. That takes time. And children of all ages can be blessed with time spent one on one and focused. Thanks for your time in sharing these words and this life through them. Make some memories!
September 20,2004- Well I have been side swiped by the creeping crud that came home with Josh. I thought I was going to die on Saturday night. Lucky for me, Jimmy Culler came in to Provinces and played the whole night with me. I don't think I would have made it if it wasn't for his moral and musical support. Bob Marcure couldn't resist the chance to play my guild. He did The Ballad Of Bristol Bay. He should be able to retire off that song. It is one of the best I have heard for lyrically and musically telling the story of the fishermen in Alaska. Jimmy and I played Valley Island Lady and he and Jimmy sang the tune and I did D's harmony.
- Jim and Penni made it in on Saturday but Andie was worn out and stayed home. Liz seems to be inclined to stretching our comfort zone again but I am hopeful that she will stay on the path. A fall from grace can happen abruptly and it is always a challenging climb to get back to where you started. I am a bit sad that things didn't seem to work out with Andrey because he is considerate, intelligent and respectful. With all the things he has going, perhaps a relationship isn't the best thing at this time .
- I was booked up all this week and didn't get an opportunity to record more of Josh's songs but I hope we can this week. I guess Rob didn't make the deadline on the Flow Motion recordings so rehearsal is pushed back. Freedom is coming on the 27th. He sounds great. He is working out in Yoga, working a day gig, caring for his family and not drinking. It sounds like a good growing period for him. That is it for this sniffling person, be good and be here.
- September 18,2004
I had a great night at provinces. I brought out the Guild and it was fun to play it again and get a little different feel for the music playing a steel rather than nylon string guitar. I revisited a lot of songs with a new approach. It felt good. I missed Andie but I had the support of the faithful few, Dale, Kathy, MaryEllen and more. I spoke to Manolito and he has been sick. He hopes he is on the mend and may come down tonight but I am doubtful because yesterday was his first day up and about. It is getting brisk in the mornings and evenings and all the cold aches are starting to happen. Last night my left hand was doing a spasm dance. That was making it hard to play when is seemed like it was independently controlling by some other source. I played Bill Spies new song on the stereo at Provinces and that was fun. It was also a message to get back in there and finish mixing the song. I am really pleased with the way it is turning out. I love hearing Andie sing.
It has been a trying week and quite busy but I keep saying this the play and not the rehearsal. Breathe in the life of the moment. Pay attention. The challenge is how to embrace the life in every moment when what you are doing sucks. I guess that is where perspective comes in to play. In the words of the philosophers. "It is neither good nor bad, it just is." Once I grasp that concept, I will get a lot more done.
- September 15, 2004
- Today I'd like to say thanks for sharing this time for those of you who read this meandering. I heard a program on the radio that talked about selling downloads to your website or having a password so people could read you journal or hear about how your recording projects are done. Here I am, no password, no fee. It is here and it is free. It is an ongoing creative outlet and a chance to share. I would really like to see Andie's version of Far Cry From Love find its way to Women's Shelters throughout the country. I really feel that song and Andie's lovely expression of the lyrics could help someone make the hard decision to leave an abusive relationship. I look forward to someday getting an email or a story that makes that dream come true. This journal helped bring me closer to one of my 3 sisters, Maria. She found it online and read the whole thing from when it began a year and a half ago. Life just keeps flying by and I find myself looking at another Friday each week and pulling out my guitar and heading out to play. A day, a week, a month, a year passes in moments. I love a line I heard in the Last Samurai. "Life in every breathe." It makes it worthwhile, whatever we are doing, if we are aware of the wonder of being alive. The gift of life is a precious thing. Thanks for sharing your time here with me.
September 14, 2004
- The sunrise was beautiful this morning. I thought of how different life is all over the planet. The mindless acts of violence that are occurring, the hurricanes off the east coast and the lovely morning here. Mountains and valleys, such is life. Some are up and some are down. It is all a question of balance. God bless us everyone, those up, those down and those somewhere in between.
- We had a nice visit with Andie's cousin Bri this weekend. Andie put down six vocal tracks on a tune for Bill Spies in between every thing else she was doing. I had 23 tracks of Andie voices. It was fun. She just calmly knocks out her parts. She doesn't think of herself as a singer but she is. It is funny how difficult it is to see our gifts sometimes. I am thankful for the way we encourage each other and pick up when one of us falls down. We are perfect teeter totter partners.
Mr. Suede came back over last night along with Miracle and Yoshia. Yosh is a chiropractor and he gave Andie and I an adjustment. It was great and very gentle. It was a good feeling to have all three of them in the house last night. Miracle is encouraging Johnny to depart from the habit of nail biting that he inherited from me. A habit that represents quiet desperation. He is doing good so I am thinking he is comfortable and growing at Rejoice's house and that makes me happy. We will be going back into the studio today. Father and son making music. This is definitely a mountain and not a valley, just like the sunrise this morning .
Hold hands with someone you love and remember to say your prayers.
- September 13, 2004
- The rains have returned. I heard the refreshing sounds this morning and smelled the clean wet air and the cool sting of rain drops on my face. I felt alive and glad to be so. I have been praying hard for some mercy for Florida and hopes that those winds would just dissipate and give the Floridians a break. There are so many good things about this state that I appreciate more as time goes on and on. The mountains, majestic Rainier, the Puget sound and the smell of salt water in the air. The forests and the old cedar trees are very close to my heart. I have grown to love the rain. It is like baptism of the air. It makes it fresh and new although a little water logged. I am listening to some tracks by an artist named Corrinne May. It is a site Casey Garland recommended. All I can say is wow! It is as beautiful as a Washington morning. Check her out. Corrinne May and keep some tissues handy, maybe even an umbrella. You can listen to her whole CD on the website. I did I loved the first two songs. These songs are tender and emotional and they are carried on a wave of acoustic guitar with some light strings in the back ground. I wasn't as inspired by the several of the other tracks. I asked myself, what is the matter with making a totally mellow CD? . When the tempo picks up and drums are added the bottom seems to fall out a bit. Still, she is a gifted writer of ballads and worth giving a listen. Good music for a rainy day.
- September 11, 2004
- I am afraid to turn on the TV today because even though I remember the horror of this date I don't want to revisit the images of planes crashing into the two towers in New York City. I feel in the blustery day the coming of autumn and the somber knowledge that we are at war. Like every veteran, I hoped to not see this happen again. My heart goes out the people in Iraq, ours and theirs. It doesn't appear to be in the cards to find a peaceful solution when there are those bent on the complete destruction of our country, at whatever the cost. Still I believe we need love in our hearts and not hate. We need direction that comes through reflection and faith. We need leadership that it is difficult to see in those who are in a position to take it. So my faith lies above and in the core of the hearts of my brothers and sisters through out the world. To the families who lost love ones on this mournful day, to the families who are losing loved ones every day in Iraq, to those of us left behind, God's blessings and comfort today and all days.
- September 10, 2004
- So little of this space is dedicated to music. That is representative of the amount of time I dedicate to my craft; not a lot. There is so much to do everyday that it slips to the back burner, off to the side and falls to the floor. Life is full. I did get to record a new piece that Johnny wrote for guitar. It is really quite beautiful. The computer got a little hot and was acting up last night but he did record a second song as well before we shut down.
Andie's dinner was excellent and came off without a hitch. She fed all fourteen of us steaks and all the trimmings. She and Carry wrestled for control of the grill. Carry eventually stepped aside and gave the spatula to Andie. She got every order right from the "I like mine really rare" people to those of us who like our meat cooked. I love the large family get togethers and all the funny stories you hear. We have quite a cultural range of folks in the family and it's nice to see all these different people "hanging out" together.
I spoke to my father and sister both yesterday. Maria says the hurricanes are kicking their butts down in Florida. She said her family came out pretty good, considering, but they know lots of people who were hit really hard with the destruction. I wish they could come out and have a break from the wind. We talked about that funky game I call "one out" when people draw an imagery social circle and leave someone out either through keeping secrets or passing judgment and any number of unloving behaviors. It is not a nice game for the one on the outside of the circle and it isn't good for the spirits of the people on the inside either. Sometimes one has to recognize people who like to play that game and avoid them as much as possible and refuse to play victim or antagonist. That is my feeling anyway.
Dad has reached a new phase in his life and found love after all these years. I am happy for him and Judith and I wish them the very best. Life is mountains and valleys for all of us. Keep climbing.
There are songs in all this day to day. Waiting and waiting some more.
- September 8 2004
- We are celebrating Faith's birthday today. Andie has invited 14 people for dinner. It will be an adventure. Josh and Chani both showed up as well. It is quiet as I take a moment to write. Everyone is set to show up in about a half an hour. I am working on a slide show of Liz's second day of diving. I may play at the Seafood Grotto in Snohomish on Thursday if the weather clears up. I have to go outside now and chop down some black berry vines so Andie can pick some more berries. Happy birthday Faith.
- September 7 2004
- Imagine hearing that there is yet another Hurricane headed towards St. Lucia and the outer islands that could possibly reach the southeastern United States next week. It is unbelievable the different experiences and hardships our human family is undergoing in different parts of the world. We are in some very trying times; times that need faith to endure.
This time before the elections is embarrassing. So see such mud slinging and character assaults is trying on the heart. Who cares about the past of 20 years ago? What about today and tomorrow? What about real solutions to problems here at home? How do we bring our men and women home from abroad? These are big concerns. I think we should all be praying hard for help from God and for the turning of hearts towards peace. We live in times that have been foretold for thousands of years, but all of those years happened a moment at a time. At this moment my heart seeks peace with myself and my Maker and for all our human family. Prayer is a powerful thing, it is our best national defense. So on this sweet September morning I pray for the peace of God's spirit to be in our hearts and to look out on this troubled world and bring us hope and comfort, especially for those in combat: may they come home soon, alive and well and for those who have lost loved ones to the ravages of war.- September 6 2004
- It is labor day and I am taking a day off with the family. I missed the BBQ with Johnny and the gang last night because I had a gig. Today it is just take it as easy as we ever allow ourselves. Andie is working in the kitchen, Liz is planning for the start of school and I spent the morning editing the photo's Freedom sent his brother Johnny. I put those up on his Johnny Suede page under Gallery. Hope all is well. God bless the people in Florida for all they are going through with this wind madness. They are in our prayers.
- September 5, 2004
- Day two of the open water dives has begun. Liz again is strongly opposed to being photographed. Still she put on a big smile when Andie shot a picture of the two of us. She didn't experience the cold, wet and stinky wetsuit because it was dry this morning. She worked last night after her dives and when she came home she barely heard a word before she was fast asleep. I was going to stay home but I didn't want to miss this adventure so I drove in after the girls. It is s cool morning, overcast with patches of blue peeking through. There is the wonderful sea salt smell in the air. It is quite a contrast to what is going on in Florida with the battering they are getting from Hurricane Francis. Liz just waved from the water. They are hanging out in waste deep 55 degree water. This is navigation day, mask removal and then exploration. She has been a trooper. I know how much she hates to be cold and she hasn't hesitated to go back in for her second dive. Yesterday, after her first dive, she put her hands on my back and I can still feel the icy imprints.
This is great because it has gotten Andie and I excited about going back to scuba diving. This all reminds me of the song Beneath the Waves. I need to revisit that song.
This is the tough part for the new divers: waiting. When you are hanging out you just get cold. We just saw the orange sticker on Liz's snorkel. She just came up from doing their skills with her instructor, Brian. Yesterday he commented on the practices of scuba divers. He said, "There are those who pee in their wetsuits and those who lie about peeing in their wetsuits." Dry suits are the way to dive around here in this very cold water. Liz completed her second dive successful and is now a certified open water scuba diver. When she thaws out, we will have to take her diving.
- September 4, 2004
- This is the first day Liz's certification scuba dives. As I am writing she is in the water with her instructor, Brian. He was giving us a little narration with a French accent. Brian has a refreshingly different approach than some of the other instructors I encountered when working in the industry. Those instructors took their classes on open water skill checks and then sent them home. Liz will actually be going on two dives. They are starting out their diving experience by seeing the reason we learn this sport in the first place; to see all the wonders there are under water.
It is a beautiful cool morning. The smell of salt water is in the air carried by a brisk ocean breeze. Small waves lap the shore as the four divers don their gear. Brian checks the three students for proper weighting. They back paddle out to the dive buoy and Liz shouts, "It tastes icky!"
They gather around the dive float as a lone seagull flies overhead and solitary motor boats skips the water in the distance. They float about on their backs in a circle like seals and discuss their dive in a relaxed manner. And is across from me with her video camera we watch as they descend. A new phase of experience begins for the only other family member to go through open waters. We watch the bubbles as the new divers go on their first under water tour, how exciting! Four little black heads bobbed to the surface in the distance as as Brian discusses their first dive they back paddle towards the shoreline. Finally, just after Brian helped Liz with her fins, she looks up at the anxiously waiting parental type people. She smiled that smile of hers and said " I saw lots of stuff, but I don't remember what it was now." She saw a huge star fish and some green gullets and off they went to debrief and prepare for dive number two.
We watch as they once again back paddle to the buoy. There are lots more divers down here at the time of the second dive. They will be doing the out of air scenarios and will do the ascent sharing air exercise. This is probably the most potentially dangerous test in open water but so necessary. Shared air accents were used by Andie and I to assist two divers at the Underwater Park in Edmonds. Liz was the first diver down with Brian. Now we watch as they head towards shore as the second dive of the first day comes to an end. You get very cold because you spend so much time kneeling and watching others do their tests.- She is lucky to have only two other people on these open water dives. Liz looked up and waved but doesn't look too happy. She has a "get me out of this water" look on her face. She looks so natural all geared up for underwater. All the dives went well. We filled her tanks for tomorrow and she had a hot shower and is napping now before work. She got mad at all the picture taking but I said "We are excited, give us a break. It looks like we will be going back in the water again soon, as a family.
- September 2, 2004
- The day flew by yesterday. I heard from Char and I will find the name of the book I read on veterans of war and the hardships they endure upon their return home. Every day we receive the news of more chaos and disharmony in the world. It is truly a time where good and evil are being slammed into one another. It is a time many of us have all read about and pondered. We are seeing things foretold long ago. Love prevails through the madness. Life is a great adventure and like any good story it is filled with the full spectrum of experience and contrasts. Every moment is the time to make peace with yourself. I saw a bit of Oprah with Andie last night and it was on meditation. Bill Spies has been giving me some good reading on that and I know it is important to take the time to be still, meditate and get back in touch with yourself and God. But for now, I have to go and get busy.
- September 1, 2004
- The fall is creeping nearer in this land of four seasons a day. Autumn, the season of multicolored leaves; a time of transition and preparation. I have a fondness for the Autumn. It seems somehow hopeful to me. I feel a sense of promise and possibilities. Another season is another fresh start. The coming holidays and birthdays are something I look forward to sharing with Andie, friends and family. Bring on the new. We keep a watchful eye on the weather channel in hopes Florida will be spared another hit by hurricanes. Life is, well, life. It changes as fast as the Washington weather. Today we had sun, clouds, walnut size raindrops and when I arrived home hail, lightning and thunder. See what I mean?
Liz is at work. Imagine that. She is happy so far since she gets to smile and greet people. She loves social interaction, so she has found a perfect first job. We are taking a breather for a moment before jumping into more home improvement. I realize at this pace I will have to schedule time for inspiration and song writing. I may be playing at Chuck's Seafood Grotto on the corner of 1st Avenue and Avenue D in Snohomish tomorrow evening from 5:30 to 8:30. It may be a regular thing Thursdays and Sundays for a few weeks if the weather holds up. That will pretty much fill up my calendar since last time I checked there were only 7 days in a week. So, in a way, I will be ushering in the fall in my old stomping grounds, Snohomish. It will be nice to play and sing above the Snohomish river. I played my very first gig there at the Silver King about what seems like one hundred years ago. Feel like a drive in the country? Come on down.All contents ©2003-2022 and to infinity and beyond Andie Murat and Greg Murat All Rights Reserved
Greg Murat (mur-rah)
Singer-Songwriter Guitarist