Greg Murat (mur-rah)
Singer-Songwriter Guitarist
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Music is the means we share each other's souls. Many new opportunities are arising as each day passes. I am looking forward to checking out Mark Dodge's studio on Camano Island and to co-producing music together in the immediate future. What a talented man he is. Andie
has embarked on a new business as a distributor a product called Juice
Plus + , an all natural whole food based supplement. It comes from
the juice of fresh fruits and vegetables. She has both of us taking it.
She also has Faith on it. I can really feel a difference. It has taken
about three weeks but I am sleeping through the night and that is an adventure
in itself. I haven't been able to do that for many years now. She will
have a web site to promote her new venture shortly. I give it a hearty
two thumbs up. For more information or to order juice plus send us an
e-mail. |
When we get home I want to go to work on an acoustic CD. I have a lot of ideas but it will be very simple production and involve guitar and piano. We may add some simple strings. I hope Josh might play a little guitar that will be about it. Of course as soon as Andie has the cover done I will start production on the music.
A successful
marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the
same person
Deviation from
this formula may require attorneys and therapy
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All contents ©2003-2022 and to infinity and beyond Andie Murat and Greg Murat All Rights Reserved