Greg Murat (mur-rah)  
  Singer-Songwriter  Guitarist  

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Silent T Studios Newsletter
February 2004

Feb 13 
Rob and Freedom on a short concert tour in Arizona. They have completed there mastering on their newest CD and will now be working on the graphics.
Joules dropped by and got a copy of a live recording that Rob did of her in Oregon. She slept in the living room wrapped in Freedom's buffalo hide while I mixed her songs to CD. She is animated in concert. She may be doing some mastering here at Silent T.
Andie is busy with Final Cut Pro and off to a running start on her new program. I can hardly wait to see the films she will put together.
Feb 6

Jim, Mike and I have been having vocal rehearsals for band shows. We are laughing a lot and can see we need to do the tighten up and make the vocals strong. I asked Andie and Sarah last night if they would be interested in doing some back up vocals. They said yes. That will be fun. We will be trying out some new people for keyboards and lead instrument. I need that hand percussion as well. The band is growing in my mind be the minute.
  • Freedom and Rob are still in Oregon and may be back soon. I heard their concerts went great. I am still looking forward to sitting down and hearing the CD. I have to say I am sad that Josh's solo was cut from Bloom. I felt the solo was Epic and really gave the song a deeper dimension. Still the whole list of songs is profound and Spirit produced.
  • Feb 1
    In the old school style Freedom has come and gone from town without the opportunity to visit with him. I am looking forward to hearing the mastered tracks from the CD and so happy that many of the tracks recorded at Silent T are going to be on the final album.
  • Andie is breaking in Final Cut Pro and I am excited to see what she will do with her new editing toys. We will be streaming video before long.
       We are doing a lot of our recording on PC now using Nuendo software. It is not nearly as user friendly as Mark of the Unicorn's Digital Performer, but it sure sounds incredible. We are also running Nuendo on the Mac's. We are continuously upgrading equipment and I am very proud to introduce musicians to our recording space. Small and capable and Spirit operated. That is the big thing to me, it feels good in the studio, That means a lot.

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Happy Birthday Andie & Josh

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  • Studio
  • We are getting some amazing sounds out of the studio. The new Apogee Rosette is a fine addition. There is so much warmth in the recordings. I can hardly wait to start doing some of my own material. Any time now.
  • This month projects include
    Bill Spies:
    Bill's project is good for the soul. His lyrics are so keen on being aware of the moments in life (where we all live) and on having that Spiritual connection. We had a great session with Rob at the console on Wednesday and hope to bring Mish Israel to play some flute on the song, Today.
    Rejoice Israel: Rejoice has finally begun making music at Silent T and I am so happy for that. She has such a lovely voice and her songs are strong too. It will be good to get her CD complete and see her out performing in the area.
  • Casey Garland:
    Casey and I are going to be getting together on at least a weekly basis and get fired up to move forward with his project. He may do a turn about when he sees and hears what is going on at Silent T.
  • Johnny Suede:
    Josh's stage name. Josh is working on several new songs and we are tracking them to mini disc to prepare for recording his instrumental CD. He is sounding so mature in his playing.
  • Sarah Murat:
  • We still need to wrap up the songs Sarah is sending to Japan for an artist there to perform. My hope is that will happen this month.
  • Performances

I will not be at Provinces the third weekend of February
Watch the schedule for Cafe de Paris too see if I will continue to play 7-9 on Friday and Saturday evenings. The cafe is at 109 Ma
in Street in downtown Edmonds on the right, just before the ferry. Reservations are recommended but not necessary. This is a nonsmoking restaurant.

I will also be playing at the Bellingham Covenant Church every other Sunday evening for a few months from 6:30 to 7:30 for an evening of worship and meditation and prayer.

  • Thank You
    To my wife, Andie for all her love and support on every level. There would be no Silent T without her. To the musicians who bless us with their spirits and talents and bring the joy of music into our home. To God for looking out for and watching over us and giving us patience to take on all that life throws our way. To all of you who listen and care about the music we make. To all the people we love out there, ones we see and ones we don't see. God bless you.

 All contents ©2003-2022 and to infinity and beyond Andie Murat and Greg Murat All Rights Reserved