Greg Murat (mur-rah)  
  Singer-Songwriter  Guitarist  

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March 2004

  • Freedom and Rob completed their mixing in New York. We will have some credits on their epic new CD. Rob is still mixing and burning in the studio, preparing CD's for demo's and for sale at their upcoming shows. They have been working on this project for two years now. Rob will depart for Arizona in the next few days.
  • Flow Motion's live Melt Down CD is also being mixed at Silent T by Rob Peebler. Rob is a Spirit Warrior and a great engineer. It is great to share time and space in his company.
  • New Murat CD is in the works. We have the drums done for 8 tunes now and we are going to go for another big push tonight. Our hope is to lay the foundation for a stack of CD's and begin the arduous task of cataloging my songs.
  • New Tunes: I have written two new tunes this week. I am writing my way through Josh's break up and Jim's break up as well. It seems to be a time of great upheaval in so many areas of life and the world. No matter how intense the world's troubles a broken heart seems to always take center stage when it is your heart that has been broken. The tunes are called
  • Didn't See It Coming
  • Walk Away
  • We are currently cutting the drum tracks for the new CD. I am very excited and still up in the air on the final tunes. Guess we have a couple of choices. We laid down tracks for these tunes:

  • Give Us Free
  • Working for A Living in the USA
  • Lost in Viet Nam
  • Boody Wah Scoody (Happy Feet)
  • Hey Buddy
  • Love Wears Your Name
  • These Blues
  • Club Americana
  • You Wear A Mask
  • Walk Away

    I am going to be working consecutively on a CD of acoustic songs. I was going crazy with all these tunes just floating around in my head . I need them on CD so it is time for that to become the predominant focus of the studio, as it was originally intended. With these exceptions.

    Bill Spies will continue as we need to help get the spirit awareness in his songs out to people. We introduced him to Mike Daily's Studio 04 last night and may begin doing some of his tracks there next week.

    Casey Garland will be returning weekly starting March to have fun laying down tracks for the River Runner CD.

    Sarah Maria just did a quick sample of her composing skills for a short film she produced for her dance group. She is so good in so many areas, I think it makes her a little crazy sometimes. I said, don't worry about it, you can do it all. I want to record Sarah some more.

    We also want to get Andie back in and really do a CD for her. I am so looking forward to hearing the final tracks.

    That is it in an HTML nutshell. God bless


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