Greg Murat (mur-rah)
Singer-Songwriter Guitarist
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May 14th
It is another gray Saturday. I am only playing the Cafe de Paris this week but next weekend will be the double decker, Cafe and Provinces. We are looking into new venues for the band and I hope some things I am pursuing will come to fruition. I want to do some shows with the guys!Josh is working on some recording with the members of Freedom's band who live here in the area. He was quite excited last night as he headed over to Rob Peebler's house to begin tracking some new songs. Man, his playing is amazing. I spent about a half an hour trying learn one of his finger picking patterns a couple of weeks ago. Where does he get that?
May 10
I talked to Freedom and he said the show at the Jet Deck went great. He said Josh really rocked and that they pulled off a Lead Zeppelin tune that brought the house down. He is continuing to right at least every other day as he gets more into working his construction job in Arizona and buying a house with Natalie. I wish he lived up here where the rest of the band now lives. Josh said he enjoyed playing and used the new PODxt Live and was happy
with the sounds he got.May 4,2005
Silent T team goes to Clearwater Beach, Florida in search of new opportunities for film and recording.
What we discovered so far on this trip is that early May is too soon to come here due to the weather conditions and the absence of activities that would support our graphic and recording businesses. We did find a fair number of establishments that have live music starting from as early as 10AM. Most bars roll up the stage for live music by 10PM in this particular area. It has to do with city ordinances in establishments in close proximity to the beach. We also learned the importance of making sure sun screen is evenly applied and with frequent repetitions. That is it in a nutshell at this point of the excursion.
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