Silent T Studios   News  2005  
Greg Murat (mur-rah)  
  Singer-Songwriter  Guitarist  

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Josh & Christina & Saria gone to California
Kayden gets another tooth
Freedom & Natalie are pregnant
Chani & Chris are making art together
Sarah Continues work on new film

Saria had her first Christmas with Christina and Josh. She is a little beauty. The family has moved to California early this month so Christina can go to massage school. Josh will be taking care of Saria and working at landscaping or construction with Christina's dad. It looks really beautiful where they are going. Saria loves been toted around by her daddy, Josh. I am very proud of him. He is a good man and he loves his family.

Kayden is flourishing with tons of love in our home. He has successfully sprouted two baby teeth, discovered his feet and is eating food and lots of it. He has continued to compose songs on the djimbe, congas and synthesizer. I haven't been up to recording but hope to get busy with more from the under one wonder. Andrea loves being a mom.

The number of new babies in our family tree continues to rise as Freedom and Natalie are going to have a baby. Freedom flew up from Sedona to tell me in person that my first born was having his first child. It seems like only a moment ago he was the same size as little Kayden in the picture above. What wonders we have.
Chani and I Chris had an exhibit in Fairbanks and they received rave reviews. The critic drove 6.5 hours to see the show and in the newspaper critique he said it was worth the drive. How great it must be for them to share their talents in the way they do. They are planning on having their own shop together someday soon and to continue to encourage each other to grow as artists and human beings.  
  For information on Sarah Maria's new film click here.
Sarah is busy as a beaver with modeling, directing and writing screen plays and still she made time for us over the holidays and more recently on my birthday. She was quite the hostess to us and we were humbled and honored by the experience. She continues to shoot photographs and work as a graphic artist, to compose music for films and CD's. Busy busy. I am a proud and blessed papa.
Honest Studios- Erik Helmersen's website check it out.
Erik has a passion for music. He is a free spirited song writer with the whole world a head of him just waiting for his talent to shine.
We had another nice session towards the end of the month of December and put some sparkle on a tune of Erik's called Walking Tall. Erik is inspiring with all the enthusiasm he has for his music. Keep it up brother. You have a great heart.
Rhythm Cafe CD was released in Japan on January 11th, 2006
Larry Mason just called me with the release date for the Rhythm Cafe CD. He has kindly kept me in the loop since Mia from Celeste Records contacted me via e-mail looking to find Bob Marcure and Deirdre Lord to talk to them about releasing their CD in Japan. I put her in contact with Larry Mason after giving him credit for having produced the Cafe CD and the Room with a View CD. I then stepped out of the picture and wished them all well. They got licensing thanks to Larry and now they will be heard in Japan. How exciting that must be for them. Congratulations! For info on Rhythm Cafe or to purchase CD's contact Larry Mason through the website for his on line Tuna Business. Island Trollers
Local artist Serity has launched two new websites. She dances in many circles from singing and writing songs, to healing,
Eyes of Visions In her words:
Founded in 2002 by Serity, Eyes Of Visions is a website designed to share the inspirational music of Serity, to aid in raising levels of awareness and consciousness and also to help promote other local artists. The Web address in

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 All contents ©2003-2022 and to infinity and beyond Andie Murat and Greg Murat All Rights Reserved